Ambrosia Maple is a general term attached to a variety of Acer (true maple) species whose boards included colorful bug “trails” — caused by a fungus carried by the Ambrosia Beetle which penetrates the tree sap as the beetle eats into the tree, and it spreads both through the worm hole and up and down in the tree (carried along by the sap) and causes discoloring of the wood in streaks.
SprungWood is now offering custom made Beams and Mantles made of exotic Vermont hardwood. Pictured below are Ambrosia Maple Fireplace Mantles.
We also have a good inventory of Ambrosia Maple, Curly Beech, Curly Maple, Cherry slabs and Bowl Blanks for Wood Turners.
- Also available, 150 year old Hand Hewn Beams. Mantle size.